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Dame Ellen Pinsent School

Dame Ellen Pinsent School

Star of the Week

Each Monday a child from each class is chosen as 'Star of the Week'. Their achievements are celebrated in a special assembly with a certificate and a letter sent home.

Congratulations to our Stars of the week 8th July 2024

Bunnies-Jesse trying really hard with his self regulation
Otters-Haris for using his communication methods for requests
Woodpeckers- Jamal for having an amazing week
Crickets-Nathaniel for independence when trying to write his own name
Grasshoppers-Beth for being so patient in the leavers assembly practice
Bumblebees- Maya Hope for beautiful Maths work. She was able to count so clearly to 20 and sorted same number sets up to 20 too
Deers-Imraan for showing happiness and joy when joining in and dancing with Jo Jingles
Squirrels-Jaxon for being so lovely and making the adults happy
Ladybirds-Jireh for trying hard to share
Wildcats-Naseem for being really independent with all of his work and completing some wonderful independent writing
Chipmunks-Maaria for working hard to improve her communication skills with the adults
Badgers-Hollie for hard work singing in the leavers performance practice
Robins-John for talking about changes with confidence and respect and being kind to his friends who found it hard to talk about changes

Extra star of the week for Kaiden Wilkes for being very polite and helpful to a visiting parent and for using his manners and apologising for keeping them waiting when he had to fetch something for them. What a fantastic advocate for DEP!!- From Elaine

Congratulations also go to Georgie (Chipmunks) who won the Barry Stokes award this week and Jackson (Bumblebees) who has been awarded a kindness leaf for helping the adults.

Well done to all our children for working hard and following our school values.

Congratulations and well done everyone!