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Dame Ellen Pinsent School

Dame Ellen Pinsent School

Star of the Week

Each Monday a child from each class is chosen as 'Star of the Week'. Their achievements are celebrated in a special assembly with a certificate and a letter sent home.

Congratulations to our Stars of the week 16th Dec 2024

This morning, we had our final star of the week assembly for this term and calendar year.

Our Barry Stokes award for effort and determination went to Tate in Ladybirds.

The amazing class stars are listed below:

Bunnies - Demetrius for showing determination when using his communication boards.

Otters - Haris for progressing from phase 2 PECS to phase 3.

Woodpeckers - Salman for showing determination to use his voice or symbols to communicate.

Deers - Jackson for showing happiness when playing chase with the adult.

Crickets - Ellen for working hard with her verbal communication.

Grasshoppers - Maaria for showing happiness and joy in Forest school.

Bumblebees - Krishaan for teamwork and being able to work with other children really well on different topics through the week and making new friends!

Wildcats - Emma for showing kindness when helping adults with jobs around the room.

Ladybirds - Ivy for showing happiness when working hard and joining in at circle time.

Squirrels - Zak for engaging well during attention autism phonics.

Chipmunks - whole class for working hard towards our Let’s Connect day.

Robins - Samuel for always being kind and helpful.

Badgers - Haniya for showing happiness during class rehearsals.

We are all very proud of our class stars!

Well done to all our children for working hard and following our school values.

Congratulations and well done everyone!