Welcome to Ladybirds Class 2024-2025
We are a class of 11 and we follow the Seedlings pathway.
Mr Lee is our class teacher.
Our wonderful teaching assistants are:
Debbie Robina
Kirsty and Becky are also our amazing staff members who will be teaching 'Understanding the World' / Forest School and PE on Tuesday. Please send your child in with appropriate clothing such as willies and wetsuits with names as we will be enjoying the great outdoors during all weather!
Homework will be sent out weekly, which will be linked to one of our favourite 5 stories. Please support your child in completing their homework. We would love to see some photographs so that we may celebrate their achievements during circle time.
We will share what we have been upto on our Class Dojo page each day, so please join us here as this is also our main form of parent-teacher interaction.
Please follow links to view our class timetable, Class Dojo link and homework.
Spring 1
Our topic this half-term is 'Jack and the Beanstalk', which is a Performing Arts topic. As this is our focus this half-term, our areas of learning and subjects will focus on different areas of the story. We will bring Jack and the Beanstalk into our 'learning through play' by having role-play and activities closely linking to the story.
There will also be a visit from the M&M theatre company, who will perform a pantomime for the children in spring 1.
Some activities the children can look forward to in spring 1 will include; Exploring nature and planting a seed, performing/acting different parts of the story Jack and the Beanstalk and Creating music using different instruments and linking it to the movements and actions made by the characters from Jack and the Beanstalk. We will link this topic in to our Mathematics and English, where we will continue to develop our reading and writing and progress our understanding and knowledge of number, shape, space and measure.
The tennis coach will be in on a Monday during our allocated PE slot.
Regular updates are posted on the class dojo page which will show what the children will be doing through spring 1.
Autumn 2
Our Winter Wonderland topic this half-term is closely linked with Design Technology (DT). We will be bringing an element of 'design and making' into all of our EYFS areas of learning.
In Expressive Art & Design, we will plan, design and make a Christmas product which we will then sell during the 'Winter Wonderland' experience.
During Literacy, we will read the following texts: A Day in the Snow, Where's Mr Snowman, Winter Wonderland and Arctic Animals.
Our Understanding the World sessions will focus on arctic animals, and we will investigate materials that we can melt and freeze.
The children will be exposed to key language related to the topic through, Makaton signs, objects of reference, symbols and communication boards. All of which support their knowledge and understanding and development of skills.
Autumn 1
This half-term we will spend the first 2 weeks getting to know each other and our new environment and making new friends and relationships. For the remainder of the half-term our topic is ‘Pottery & Sculpture' which will be discovered by learning through play and through our curriculum. This will be demonstrated in lessons such as Maths, creating numbers and shapes using clay and natural materials, Literacy for mark-making opportunities using sculpture props and more! Our termly linked stories this term will be 'Play with Clay' and 'Mud!' as these stories will also support pupils in bringing their imagination to life though art and creativity!
Our Autumn 1 Learning through Play...