Reading information:
The children will have a weekly change (Monday) of story books and a reading log in their 'Reading Wallets'. We encourage parents to support reading and make a comment on the log. If you read and make a comment 3 or more times within that week, we will enter your child into the school reading race. Please also ensure your child is sent to school with their Reading Wallet as this is really important. If Ladybirds win the race we could be in for a Treat!
Homework information:
In the Seedlings pathway, we link our homework activities around our Read, Write, Inc 'Favourite Five' stories. Each half-term we will focus on one of our chosen books.
The first Monday of each term your child will be sent home with a copy of the term’s homework (see below) and a copy of your child’s EHCP targets to work on at home.
Referring to the homework sheet sent, we will announce weekly which homework task to focus on. We encourage parents to support their children by completing homework and sending in any comments, feedback and photographs of how your child did. We will be celebrating the children’s achievements during circle time.
In our class we have a homework reward flower chart. If your child gets 6 stickers within the half-term they could be in for a treat!
spring 1 homework
Homework for Autumn 2 2024-25
Homework for Autumn 1 2024-25