'Reading Wallets' will contain a story book and a recording log (blue book).
Every week, the class team will change your child's reading book and look at the parent comments in the recording log. We encourage families to read/share the story with their child as often as possible within that week. If you read and make a comment 3 or more times within that week, we will enter your child into the school reading race.
If Squirrels class win the race, the children will receive a treat!
In the Seedlings pathway, we link our homework activities around our Read, Write, Inc 'Favourite Five' stories. Each half-term we will focus on one of our chosen books.
At the beginning of each half-term, you will receive your child's homework sheet. This will include activities to complete. Please wait for the class teacher to inform you every week about which activity to complete for that week.
Please take photos of your child, having a go at the activity and send the photos to the class teacher via Dojo. Please also send any comments and feedback, we love hearing from you.
We will also attach a copy of your child's EHCP/Shared Goal targets for you to work on and support your child with at home.
If your child 'has a go' at the homework, and you let us know, we will reward your child with a sticker on their individual flower chart. If your child gets 6 stickers within the half-term, they will be given a golden ticket and rewarded with 'Adventure Time'.