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Dame Ellen Pinsent School

Dame Ellen Pinsent School


Welcome to Grasshoppers 

Welcome to Grasshoppers class. We are a class of 11 children and we follow the Woodlands pathway.

Miss Thornton is our class teacher and our wonderful teaching assistants are Yasmin, Madalina, Davinder & Charlotte.

Summer 2

Here we are into our final term of the academic year. This half term our topic is Showtime! I have chosen to focus on the film 'Sing!' - I thought this suited the Grasshopper pupils really well! This topic will be focused around music, instruments and performances! In English, it will be focused about different clips from the films discussing what's happening, what their favourite part of the film is, the characters in the film, what musical instruments there are etc...In Maths this half term the focus is time - we are looking at daily routines - what we do in the morning, afternoon and evening. In addition, they will look at clocks and how to tell the time on a clock.

Our library slot continues to be on a Tuesday and a Thursday where we focus on read write inc and books will be changed in the Thursday lesson. Please can we continue to ask you to read at home with your child three times a week if not more. I have attached the showtime homework grid on the left hand side of this page as well as in their homework books. I will continue to send homework on a Friday ready for the weekend and the following week. Remember the more homework your child completes the more likely they will get to gaining a golden ticket when completing their pyramid!

The new copy of our class timetable for this half term is in the 'timetable' tab on the left hand side. We will continue to show you all of the fabulous work the pupil's are doing on class dojo too!

Summer 1

It's the summer term! The best term of the year! This half term our topic is Birmingham Food where we are looking into the different types of food created in Birmingham. Again, the majority of the lessons will be linked to this topic including creating some of the different recipes which make up an afternoon tea, learning how to be a chef and recording each other and even experiencing a trip in Birmingham. In maths this half term we are focusing on weight and capacity so looking at heavy and light and how we weight out ingredients using the correct language for it.

Our library slot continues to be on a Tuesday and a Thursday where we focus on read write inc and books will be changed in the Thursday lesson. Please can we continue to ask you to read at home with your child three times a week if not more. As a class we started off really well at the beginning of the academic year and I would like to finish on a high too! I have attached the Birmingham food homework grid on the left hand side of this page as well as in their homework books. I will continue to send homework on a Friday ready for the weekend and the following week. Remember the more homework your child completes the more likely they will get to gaining a golden ticket when completing their pyramid!

The new copy of our class timetable for this half term is in the 'timetable' tab on the left hand side. We will continue to show you all of the fabulous work the pupil's are doing on class dojo too!

Spring 2

Welcome to our Spring 2. This half term our topic is Birmingham where we are looking at our own city in the UK. The majority of the lessons will be linked to this topic including looking at iconic landmarks, the different types of travel and places to go such as Cadbury and Legoland. The book for English is ‘The Everywhere Bear’ by Julia Donaldson. In Maths this half term we are focusing on positional language looking at on, in, top etc…as well as looking at movement language such as forwards and backwards.

We now have a library slot on a Tuesday and a Thursday. During the Thursday slot we will continue to change their reading book and send home a new one. Homework will continue to be sent on a Friday. I have attached a new 'Birmingham' homework grid on the tab on the left hand side of this page. Please attempt to complete as many activities as you can this half term to add a triangle to your homework pyramid to win a golden ticket! We want to try and ensure all of the pupils have reached a golden ticket over the academic year! 

The new copy of our class timetable for this half term is in the 'timetable' tab on the left hand side. There will no longer be forest school this half term however we are hoping to have it again in the summer term.

We will continue to communicate and share wonderful photos on class dojo of what your child has been learning that day so please check your dojo regularly.

Spring 1 

Welcome to Spring 1. This half term our topic is Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. The majority of the lessons will be linked to this topic which is based around performing arts. Our book for English is either ‘Snow white was so forgetful’ or ‘Snow white and the very angry dwarf’. In Maths this half term we are focusing on length. 

Our library day will be on a Thursday therefore this is the day we will swap and send home new reading books each week. Homework will continue to be sent on a Friday. I have attached a new 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarves' homework grid on the tab on the left hand side of this page. Please attempt to complete as many activities as you can this half term to add a triangle to your homework pyramid to win a golden ticket! We had two pupils in Grasshoppers achieve their golden ticket last half term! The class staff look forward to seeing your fabulous homework! 

The new copy of our class timetable for this half term is in the 'timetable' tab on the left hand side. There will no longer be swimming this half term however we will be participating in forest school on a Friday morning. 

We will continue to communicate and share wonderful photos on class dojo of what your child has been learning that day so please check your dojo regularly. 

Autumn 2 

Welcome to Autumn 2. This half term our topic is Victorian Christmas. The majority of the lessons will be linked to this topic. Our book for English is 'Lost in the Toy Museum' which gives us a variety of ideas to focus on. In Maths this half term we are looking at money - exploring money, matching money, understanding money and using it to buy toys in a role play shop.

Homework and reading books will continue to be sent on a Friday. I have attached a new 'Victorian' homework grid on the tab on the left hand side of this page. Please attempt to complete as many activities as you can this half term to add a triangle to your homework pyramid to win a golden ticket! We look forward to seeing your fabulous homework!

The new copy of our class timetable for this half term is in the 'timetable' tab on the left hand side.

We will continue to share the wonderful photos on class dojo of what your child has been learning that day.

Autumn 1

This half term we will spend the first 2 weeks getting to know each other and our new environment and making new friends and relationships.


For the remainder of the half term our topic is ‘Painters'. All of our lessons, where possible, will be linked to the topic and we will be practising different art and painting techniques. At the end of the topic each child will produce a canvas and this will be displayed in our school art gallery

Homework will be sent home every week, 1 week will be English and the following week will be Maths.  You will also find the ‘Painters’ homework grid on the tab on the left hand side of this page. Please try to complete as many of the activities as you can during this half term, we would love to see your work!

There is also a copy of our class timetable for this half term if you click on the 'timetable' tab on the left.

We will share what we have been up to on our class dojo page each day so please join us there.