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Dame Ellen Pinsent School

Dame Ellen Pinsent School



Welcome to Badgers class. We are a class of 13 children and we follow the Woodlands pathway.

Ms Sherwin is our class teacher and our wonderful teaching assistants are Dawn and Ramiz.

Summer 2

Our topic for Summer 2 is 'Showtime!' We will be learning about lots of different musicals including Matilda and Frozen. We will be exploring these musicals through singing, acting and dancing! Our year 6's will be practising for the Leavers Performance in July.

In English we will be talking about narratives including characters and plot. In Computing we will be learning about animation and making stop motion animation. In PHSE we will be talking about puberty and preparing our older children for the transition to secondary school. In PE we will be focusing on athletics.

Summer 1

Our new topic is 'Food from Birmingham and the UK'. We will be doing lots of cooking and learning about healthy food choices, this will link well with our PHSE curriculum. We will also be learning about keep ourselves clean and safe when cooking.

In English we will be reading 'Lunch at 10 Pomegranate Street' and writing shopping lists and recipes. In Maths we will be learning about measures and capacity.

In PE we will be working towards a Commando Joe mission to walk the length of the Amazon inspired by British explorer Ed Stafford.


We did lots of cooking! We made pizza, cakes and fruit kebabs! We invited our parents to a tea party to share our food!


Spring 2

Book of the Month: Martha Maps it Out - Oxford Owl for Home

Our new topic is 'Birmingham and the UK'. In Topic we will be focusing on Geography, learning about our amazing city and other places around the UK. We will be reading the book 'Martha Maps it Out'. We will be making our own maps of school and our local area. In English we will be labelling maps, writing postcards and making travel brochures!

In PHSE we will be thinking about being safe in the community and we will be practising some road safety. In PE we will be playing net and wall games and developing our ball skills. In Science we will continue to visit Forest School with Andrina and learn about plants and habitats.

We worked together to make and label a big map of our city.

We went on a class trip to the Think Tank. We learnt about vintage vehicles made in Birmingham and enjoyed role playing in Mini Brum!


Welcome to Spring 1

This half-term our topic is Snow White with the focus on performing arts. We will look at different versions of the story, but our main book will be the book below.  We will be hooked into this topic with a theatre performance. We will share our reviews and opinions later on in the half-term. We also have an exciting hook planned for the classroom.

In English we will be looking at the features of fairy tales and writing our own version of Snow White. In PSHE, we will be looking at what makes a good friend, differences and keeping safe. In Science, we will be looking at animals and habitats. All with multisensory activities and cross-curricular links to our topic of Snow White.

We did lots of amazing writing!

We searched for gems like the dwarves.

We made magic mirrors!

Autumn term 2

This half term we will be learning about the Victorians through our topic of 'A Victorian Christmas'. As much as possible of our lessons will be linked to the Victorians. In our history topic lessons we will be learning about a variety of aspects of Victorian life such as Victorian school, toys, transport, inventions and more! 

In English we will be reading the story of 'A Christmas Carol'. We will look at narrative writing and learn the story off by heart!

In Maths lessons we will continue to work on number and place value. We will also begin to learn about money in our maths measures lesson. 

In PE we will be looking at ballroom dancing and in Science we will be looking at electricity, light and shadow. We will be diving into the Victorian Christmas theme across the curriculum! 

At the end of the term for Enterprise week, the Badgers will all create a beautiful Victorian themed Christmas decoration to sell.  

Homework will be sent home every week, 1 week will be English and the following week will be Maths.  You will also find the ‘Victorian Christmas’ homework grid on the tab on the left hand side of this page. Please try to complete as many of the activities as you can during this half term, we would love to see your work!

There is also a copy of our class timetable for this half-term if you click on the 'timetable' tab on the left.

We will share what we have been up to on our class dojo page each day so please join us there.

Autumn term 1

This half term we will spend the first 2 weeks getting to know each other and our new environment and making new friends and relationships.

For the remainder of the half term our topic is ‘Painters'. All of our lessons, where possible, will be linked to the topic and we will be practising different art and painting techniques. At the end of the topic each child will produce a canvas and this will be displayed in our school art gallery

Homework will be sent home every week, 1 week will be English and the following week will be Maths.  You will also find the ‘Painters’ homework grid on the tab on the left hand side of this page. Please try to complete as many of the activities as you can during this half term, we would love to see your work!

There is also a copy of our class timetable for this half term if you click on the 'timetable' tab on the left.

We will share what we have been up to on our class dojo page each day so please join us there.