Our Maths curriculum is based around the national curriculum and covers Number, Place Value, Calculations and Shape, Speace & Measure. We deliver our lessons in a practical, hands-on and purposeful way, providing the children with the real-life mathematical skills they will need in life. The table below explains the intent behind our Maths curriculum, how we implement it in the Woodlands pathway and the impact this has.
Where possible, we link our Maths lessons to our whole-school topic each half-term. The table below shows the Maths overview for the academic year 2023-24:
We are lucky enough to have a dedicated Maths Outdoor area built upon our school field.
This area has been designed to support the teaching and learning of our Shape, Space and Measure Curriculum. The area will be for practical and hands on learning and will be accessed by all of the children across the school on a weekly basis. The area includes the following resources…
We have a weighing table, a set of large weighing scales, a sorting table and a sandpit shed. Along with resources such a large items for weighing, sand toys, dumper trucks and sand moulds. Wooden items for sorting, number rubbings and numbered hook a duck. We hope to develop this area further every year to suit the needs of all children.
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